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Stay Informed -- The DCS February Newsletter -- Get It Every Month in Your Inbox

Feb 18, 2021 11:45:43 AM

 Dimensional Control Systems, Inc.

Thank You for Reading the DCS Newsletter
February brings some exciting new developments. As we start getting ready for the upcoming DCS User Conference, DCS is proud to present the new product - 3DCS VIEWER, and announce the release of the Datum Optimizer Whitepaper.
 3DCS Scalable Solution - Part 2


Thurs February 25th at 11 am EST

3DCS VIEWER is a NEW tool for your team, letting users interrogate models and view deviation, tolerances, moves, and analysis results.

As part of the 3DCS SCALABLE SOLUTION, 3DCS VIEWER provides wider access to models and their results, promoting the use of Model-Based Definition and increasing awareness of Dimensional Variation Analysis.


  • Enable DVA (Dimensional Variation Analysis) results to be reviewed by persons "outside" of the 3DCS Modeling team (within the Cad system)
  • Improve Collaboration between the 3DCS Modeling team and all other teams that have a role and stake in assuring dimensional quality requirements are being achieved.
  • Democratization (accessible to everyone) of dimensional simulation to more/all engineers in the dimensional quality value chain. Model-Based Systems Engineering!


Datum Optimizer - A Genetic Algorithm Tools for 3DCS AAO

3DCS Datum Optimizer is a tool that uses a genetic algorithm to determine the optimal datum features from a candidate set with the goal of minimizing the rigid part variation or compliant part deformation. Using this new tool during the design stage and prior to production gives users the ability to eliminate or minimize rework, reduce tuning mechanisms to select the proper datum features, and provide higher confidence in passing Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) studies.


DCS 2021 User Conference

DCS is proud to announce the May, 2021 DCS Global Technology and User Conference.

As a VIRTUAL EVENT, the DCS User Conference is easy to attend, and very affordable, making it easy for you to get access to the latest news, technology, and progress on SPC and tolerance analysis including the launch of TWO new products from DCS, over a dozen stories, case studies, and presentations from leading manufacturers, and helpful how-to walkthroughs of 3DCS and QDM functions and features.

Learn more about the event and registration pricing below ---


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Thank you for reading our newsletter. You can reply to it with any comments or questions and I'll be happy to help you.
Ben Reese, DCS Marketing

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