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September Digest -- Webinars This Week! Battery Testing Technology and New Version of 3DCS

Sep 13, 2023 2:55:20 PM
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DCS DIGEST - September Edition

Webinars, Webinars!

September is the start of the business rush. Kids go back to school, vacations get wrapped up, and everyone hits the ground running!

We have two webinars this month, as well as some by our partners.

SME is hosting Motor Diagnostic Systems tonight at 6 pm to showcase new technology in battery testing, while we at DCS have the second part of our 3DCS Version 8.0 webinar series tomorrow, Sept 14th, to show more features in the new version. The 3rd part will follow later in the month, so make sure you have both on your calendar!

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3DCS Version 8.0

New Functions, Features, and Updates Series

WEBINAR Series - 4 Parts!

Aug 31st  | Sept 14 | Sept 28th | Oct 19th

Join the DCS expert team to learn about the new updates in 3DCS Version 8.0 - NOW AVAILABLE to download from FileShare

Did you miss the first part?

Head to the registration page to watch the first part on demand and sign up for the rest of the series!

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Whitepaper Library Page - 15+ and Growing!

3DCS and the ITER Tokamak - World's Largest FUSION Reactor

ITER is a global collaboration – involving China, the European Union (represented by EURATOM), India, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the U.S. – formed to test the feasibility of fusion as a potential large-scale commercial energy source for the future. Fusion is the process the sun uses to create heat and light. It produces no carbon emissions and no air pollution. With hydrogen being the fuel for a fusion-based reactor, it would have the potential to provide a much-needed source of virtually unlimited clean energy.

Over 15 Whitepapers with topics such as:

Machine Learning Applications in Contributor Analysis

Simulation in Manufacturing

Gear Train Analysis

GeoFactor Circular Distribution

Understanding Sensitivity Analysis

7 Habits of Successful Engineers

Highlight - Design Concerns in Building the Largest Fusion Reactor

The ITER tokamak requires complex engineering, as its design relies upon many emergent technologies. The challenges of its creation include, but are not limited to, the following examples: 

1. This project is meant to serve as a prototype for the mass production of tokamaks (which would make a viable alternative to, or replacement of, current fission-based nuclear power plants), it is vital that the machine be manufacturable.

That is to say, the model cannot be designed with only the nominal build in mind; no product will be built without variation, and the tokamak is no exception. It must therefore be able to function with tolerances that are large enough to manufacture, but small enough to accommodate the device's structural needs. 

2. ITER must also ensure proper assembly of the structure, as unprecedented power, heat, and magnetic strength of the fusion reaction and system operation will cause extreme stress to the device's structure. 

During operation, forces inherent to the device will tend to squeeze and pull parts of the structure in, closing gaps between them. Those gaps must be precise enough to uniformly close, leaving the parts to be largely self-supporting after steady-state operation is reached.

Especially important components to consider in this precision are the eighteen "D" shaped electromagnets around the outside of the device vacuum chamber, each of which stands 14-meters tall. They require very precise tolerances (+/- 0.5 mm) for the nominal toroidal gap, in order to align and lend structural support when energized. If the gap uniformity is not within specification, the stresses from the process may pull the magnets out of alignment, possibly causing damage to the device.  

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More From DCS and Its Partners

High-Throughput Precision Manufacturing of Battery Cells

Experts from DWFritz Automation and Bosch Rexroth discuss the development of a fully automated high-speed battery manufacturing line requiring precision material handling and motion control coupled with advanced web handling to ensure the precise stacking of the cell with micron-level accuracy.

The line uses custom software, conveyors, vision systems, defect detection technology, dispensers, laser trimming, and magnetically-driven flexible transport systems to move and process the cells with speed and accuracy.

Click to Download the Whitepaper

What's Next in Battery Testing Technology by SME

Webinar | Today!

Sept 13th

Learn from the president of Motor Diagnostic Systems how new technology is being leveraged for motor system quality

Motor Diagnostic Systems (MDS) specializes in test instrumentation for electric motors, solenoids, components, battery insulation, and performance. They can help your company with predictive, preventative, or quality control programs.

Their innovative Schleich testers can be integrated into production lines, benchtop units for R&D labs, and portable solutions for field maintenance. Measurements include surge tests, insulation resistance, partial discharge, and AC/DC Hipot. 

Performance tests measure voltage, current, and speed to give you an estimate of torque, power, and more to analyze motor characteristics.

Both In-Person and Virtual [Zoom] tickets available FREE

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