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3DCS Version is Now Available with Over 40 Updates

Sep 1, 2021 12:35:32 PM

3DCS Minor Update Version is Now Live and Available for Download

The new minor release of 3DCS, from version to, includes over 40 updates including major updates to the Best Fit Move (previously X-Plane)

The major release of 3DCS Version 7.8 has so many enhancements planned that the team couldn't fit them all in. The remaining enhancements and updates were added in the minor release, which is now available! 

What's inside the new release you ask? 

What's New in

  • Custom Interface for the BestFit (X-Plane Move) and PatternFit Moves
  • Worst Case Analysis Including Datum Shift & Material Modifiers
  • Dim Distance to Hole Edge
  • Combine Feature
  • Sequence Optimization Grouping
  • Lots More...

Click to Download the What's New Document [PDF] for

Gear Meshing

There's a lot in there, so take a moment to use the link above to download the what's new document and glance through it. 

Do you want to see how these new updates look and work? Join us then for our 7.8 Webinar Series, which includes the updates to both Version and 

You can watch the previous version here: https://mkt.3dcs.com/new-version-3dcs-7-8-collision-detection-gear-module

Register to see the next session on Thursday, September 30th, 2021 at 11 am EST

What's New Part 2 - Worst Case and Pattern Move Updates

Whats New in 3DCS Version 7.8 Part 2


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