Join DCS on Thursday, May 28th for a guided tour of a virtually connected plant floor using QDM. Using different QDM modules on their own can grant quick benefits to a manufacturing site, such as: - Stations to monitor real time analytics (SPC)
- Data entry portals for quick updates from the floor
- Dashboards to keep updated on current quality metrics
- Data automation for the measurement cells for instant reporting
- Setup Automatic Alerts to notify key stakeholders as soon as any bit of data exceeds set limits.
These processes can be used independently, however when combined using a central system, they can be used to track, identify and resolve issues in the manufacturing plant as they begin to appear. This saves plant managers from having to stop the line and waste valuable time responding to build issues and non-conformances.
See for yourself how QDM can be used to support a complete plant environment, converting data into usable information, and allowing for customized access at different stages and locations throughout the plant, letting engineers and managers make important decisions quickly.
In this live webinar, Thagu Vivek, QDM product manager and Chris Peuterbaugh, project coordinator, walk through an example of a virtual plant floor showcasing how QDM modules can be interconnected into a complete system to deliver continuous quality improvement.
The recording of the event will be provided shortly after to all registrants. Registration is free.
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