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10 Early Warning Signs that Your Child May Become an Engineer [Humor]

Nov 23, 2022 1:43:42 PM

With the Craziness That is Every Day, It Is Important to Remember to Laugh 

Enjoy this humorous article, and try to get some rest this holiday season. We look forward to seeing you right after!

Warning Signs That Your Child Might Become an Engineer?

Some people seem destined to become engineers. From an early age, they have quirks that just seem to fit. Here are some of the early signs that your child could be destined to become an engineer.  [Humor]


1. Pre-planned Forts 

Does your child complain about the dimensions of your blankets? Are they using a yardstick and tape measure in the living room before even looking for blankets? This kind of expert analysis of the space in preparation for a truly important project (building a blanket fort) may be a precursor. 

megan-bucknall-zbdB3IHRcso-unsplashPhoto by Megan Bucknall on Unsplash

2. Obsessed with the gaps 

Is there always a discussion about light shining through the gaps? Whether it be curtains, window edges, car doors, or more exciting gaps, this may be a sign of the analytical mind destined for engineering excellence. 

Who knows, this may even save you some headaches on your own projects...

kyaw-tun-UvL9JrLkagM-unsplashPhoto by Kyaw Tun on Unsplash

Those final keystone pieces are always trouble...

3. Arrange all food in accurate and precise amounts, and then keep those items from ever touching. 

A fastidious nature isn't a bad thing, and maybe a real sign that your child has a future in engineering. After all, it may be their job to one day decree; those parts shall never touch! 

food-doesnt-touch@pflanny13 / Via Twitter: @pflanny13

No touchy! No touchy.

4. Talk in unrealistic terms

Is every conversation filled with terms difficult to understand? Is it important to remember that the abaya always intersects with the proper squigglebox in order to support proper weight?

I mean, if the floor is lava, it is very important that the structures are sound. 


You don't want your only safe spaces to collapse, do you?

5. Create complex plans that make no sense

It is true that sometimes simple is better. Does it need to be over-engineered with so many components, or will a simple process and structure work just as well, and with less maintenance?

If your child is making things far more complex than they need to be, perhaps they have the makings of an engineer. 

https://goldieblox.com/ - engineering toys 

6. Has no concept of money (how much things cost)

Does your child have grandiose plans with no regard for cost? This may be a common situation, as my own kids have tried to convince me that having horses is really not that expensive. They can just sleep in their beds and eat cereal! 

How many times has a design been submitted with no regard for cost? What about when a tolerance is simply 'tightened' to fix an issue, when the process doesn't support it? You can't cut everything with a laser in order to meet specifications. 


If your child makes plans with no regard for resources, they may just be an engineer. 

cherrie-sun-R5Mtp0IYYAI-unsplashPhoto by cherrie sun on Unsplash

There is plenty of room in the backyard for a couple horses, right?


7. Take apart appliances - while still plugged in and operating, then refuses to put them back together.

A curious mind is a hallmark of an engineer, sometimes to their and others' detriment. 

Do they disassemble everything, curious how it works, without any idea of how to put them back together?

Is their answer always, I'll fix it! Before reaching for glue and tape. 

headlamp-repair-1I don't think that's how that works...

8. Broke a window with a baseball...using a trebuchet.

You can learn anything on YouTube these days. If your child built homemade siege equipment and is intent on using it, they may be an engineer in the making...


We're not saying you should build yourself a trebuchet. We're also not saying you shouldn't build yourself a trebuchet. Just saying. 


9. Accidentally fixed the TV and computer

Did your child wander over while you tried to smash your keyboard, and offhandedly tell you how to fix it? Did they take your iPad or phone from you and quickly sort out the problem? If so, they may be walking the path of the engineer. 

animal-can-fix-trust-an-engineerVia Fiz x

This counts right?

10. They left barbies alone...and spent the whole time redesigning Barbie's dream house.

Is your little one fixated more on the setup than the dolls and toys in it? Are they focused on getting everything properly placed, and built first and foremost? Are there so many Legos, that you basically have a plastic carpet made of pain throughout your home? This might be a sign. 



Regardless of how your child is, we hope they, and you, have a wonderful holiday. 



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