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3DCS for NX Highlights - See First Hand How 3DCS for NX Can Benefit Your Organization

May 13, 2016 9:30:00 AM

Highlights From the 3DCS for NX Webinar

Looking for a quick peek at the new 3DCS for NX? These short video clips are a great way to see the functionality and understand more about the software. Illustrated by Gary Bell, DCS Senior Variation Analyst, the videos walk through some of the major uses of the software. 

The purpose of tolerance analysis is to understand and validate that if you go into production with your current process, component part tolerances and indexing methods, will you meet your final dimensional goals.

3DCS is industry standard for aerospace and automotive companies looking to product more efficiently by reducing non-conformance, scrap and rework. 


GD&T - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing - defines the specifications allowable in your production. It is important not to 'over-engineer' products by giving them too fine of tolerances, that is, requiring expensive production techniques for parts that could be stamped or easily machined.

3DCS for NX simulates the assembly sequence and process.

This tests your build methods for variation that can cause rework and scrap. By using simulation and modifying the design and assembly process, such as tooling, locators and processes, variation can be accounted for and overall productivity can be increased.

DCS for NX is fully integrated in Siemens NX CAD Platform. Utilizing embedded GD&T, PMI and Teamcenter, this tool makes tolerance analysis and stack ups easier and faster for NX users.

The analysis gives information on the success rate of products should the current process, part tolerances and datum locators be used.

3DCS for NX is a fully integrated variation analysis tool in Siemens NX CAD platform that allows the simulation and analysis of CAD models by incorporating GD&T and process. This gives insight into the production and expected manufacturing outcomes, allowing users to optimize their GD&T to reduce variation while also decreasing costs by loosening tolerances that are non-essential.

Find out more at: http://www.3dcs.com/nx.html

See the entire 4 part mini-series from DCS's webinar on 3DCS for NX:

(on Youtube | Creative Commons License)

Why Do Tolerance Analysis: https://youtu.be/s4Ns6PXeGpg
Embedded GD&T: https://youtu.be/FTFyS8eFGys
Simulating the Build: https://youtu.be/EUKkZR-_-5k
Analysis Summary: https://youtu.be/p1Ye7DHaUDk


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